Zinc Data File Version 1.0 HELP_ABOUT HELP_GENERAL HELP_GENERAL 1 --- About XRS GUI Text Editore XREd/WinXREd Version 3.0 Pre-Release COPYRIGHT (C) 1992. All Rights Reserved. Mike Ratledge & Smokin' Software 995 Buck Hall Landing McClellanville, S.C. 29458 FidoNet: 1:372/6666 Voice Phone: (803) 723-9861 FAX: (803) 723-3029 Support BBS: (803) 556-7485 CompuServe: 76666,1512 Press or click on "Close" to continue... XRS GUI Editor General Help This program is a simple graphics mode text-file editor for DOS and Windows 3.x built using the Zinc Interface Library tutorial examples. To exit the program at any time press . Other actions that can be performed on windows or window edit fields with the keyboard are: Next window Move Maximize Minimize Restore Close Size Next field Mark Paste Cut Copy Press or click on "Close" to continue... General HelpL To exit the program at any time press , or use the mouse to follow the "File" or "system" pull-down menu to "Close" or "Exit". Other actions that can be performed on windows or window edit fields with the keyboard are: Next window Move Maximize Minimize Restore Close Size Next field Mark Paste Cut Copy Press or click on "Close" to continue...